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Symfony 6 and EasyAdmin 4: Hashing password

* The duvet picture is initially by geralt and edited with nice appreciation.


With EasyAdmin bundle, you possibly can create admin panel simply:

Effectively, as to Person entity, given it has password subject, you could need to hash it earlier than it saved for safety.

This put up exhibits the right way to implement it with EasyAdmin.


Methods to hash password

The supply code

Right here is an instance.
Modify src/Controller/Admin/UserCrudController.php like this:


namespace AppControllerAdmin;

use AppEntityUser;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleConfig{Motion, Actions, Crud, KeyValueStore};
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleContextAdminContext;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleControllerAbstractCrudController;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleDtoEntityDto;
use EasyCorpBundleEasyAdminBundleField{IdField, EmailField, TextField};
use SymfonyComponentFormExtensionCoreType{PasswordType, RepeatedType};
use SymfonyComponentForm{FormBuilderInterface, FormEvent, FormEvents};
use SymfonyComponentPasswordHasherHasherUserPasswordHasherInterface;

class UserCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
    public perform __construct(
        public UserPasswordHasherInterface $userPasswordHasher
    ) {}

    public static perform getEntityFqcn(): string
        return Person::class;

    public perform configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
        return $actions
            ->add(Crud::PAGE_EDIT, Motion::INDEX)
            ->add(Crud::PAGE_INDEX, Motion::DETAIL)
            ->add(Crud::PAGE_EDIT, Motion::DETAIL)

    public perform configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
        $fields = [

        $password = TextField::new('password')
                'type' => PasswordType::class,
                'first_options' => ['label' => 'Password'],
                'second_options' => ['label' => '(Repeat)'],
                'mapped' => false,
            ->setRequired($pageName === Crud::PAGE_NEW)
        $fields[] = $password;

        return $fields;

    public perform createNewFormBuilder(EntityDto $entityDto, KeyValueStore $formOptions, AdminContext $context): FormBuilderInterface
        $formBuilder = father or mother::createNewFormBuilder($entityDto, $formOptions, $context);
        return $this->addPasswordEventListener($formBuilder);

    public perform createEditFormBuilder(EntityDto $entityDto, KeyValueStore $formOptions, AdminContext $context): FormBuilderInterface
        $formBuilder = father or mother::createEditFormBuilder($entityDto, $formOptions, $context);
        return $this->addPasswordEventListener($formBuilder);

    personal perform addPasswordEventListener(FormBuilderInterface $formBuilder): FormBuilderInterface
        return $formBuilder->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT, $this->hashPassword());

    personal perform hashPassword() {
        return perform($occasion) {
            $type = $occasion->getForm();
            if (!$type->isValid()) {
            $password = $type->get('password')->getData();
            if ($password === null) {

            $hash = $this->userPasswordHasher->hashPassword($this->getUser(), $password);
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I’ll break it down into a number of components.

Constructor Property Promotion

This model is legitimate since PHP 8.0.

    public perform __construct(
        public UserPasswordHasherInterface $userPasswordHasher
    ) {}
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When your PHP model is previous to them, write like beneath as an alternative:

    personal $userPasswordHasher;

    public perform __construct(
        UserPasswordHasherInterface $userPasswordHasher
    ) {
        $this->userPasswordHasher = $userPasswordHasher;
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Add menus

That is optionally available. Menus are added to index web page and edit.

    public perform configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
        return $actions
            ->add(Crud::PAGE_EDIT, Motion::INDEX)
            ->add(Crud::PAGE_INDEX, Motion::DETAIL)
            ->add(Crud::PAGE_EDIT, Motion::DETAIL)
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Generate password subject

configureFields is one in all EasyAdmin’s capabilities to configure the fields to display.
Right here, password subject is outlined as PasswordType and RepeatedType. Additionally, it’s as an unmapped field to stop validation exception within the case when null is ready so as to not change password.

    public perform configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
        $fields = [

        $password = TextField::new('password')
                'type' => PasswordType::class,
                'first_options' => ['label' => 'Password'],
                'second_options' => ['label' => '(Repeat)'],
                'mapped' => false,
            ->setRequired($pageName === Crud::PAGE_NEW)
        $fields[] = $password;

        return $fields;
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Deal with occasions

Right here, Symfony type occasions are used with EasyAdmin occasion handlers. It is as a result of as of now EasyAdmin’s events do not help dealing with type validation.

    public perform createNewFormBuilder(EntityDto $entityDto, KeyValueStore $formOptions, AdminContext $context): FormBuilderInterface
        $formBuilder = father or mother::createNewFormBuilder($entityDto, $formOptions, $context);
        return $this->addPasswordEventListener($formBuilder);

    public perform createEditFormBuilder(EntityDto $entityDto, KeyValueStore $formOptions, AdminContext $context): FormBuilderInterface
        $formBuilder = father or mother::createEditFormBuilder($entityDto, $formOptions, $context);
        return $this->addPasswordEventListener($formBuilder);

    personal perform addPasswordEventListener(FormBuilderInterface $formBuilder): FormBuilderInterface
        return $formBuilder->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT, $this->hashPassword());
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Hash password

That is the important thing half on hashing password with Symfony’s PasswordHasher.
When password isn’t entered, skip the sector.
When it’s, hash it✨ and add the sector to the entity information🌟

    personal perform hashPassword() {
        return perform($occasion) {
            $type = $occasion->getForm();
            if (!$type->isValid()) {
            $password = $type->get('password')->getData();
            if ($password === null) {

            $hash = $this->userPasswordHasher->hashPassword($this->getUser(), $password);
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That is it.
I am blissful if the code and outline on this put up would make it easier to 🙂

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